Press frame with removable trays Option 2

Used to shape, give size and texture to meat delicacies, ham, and other sausage products in the process of cooking.

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CodeTray optionNumber of levelsNumber of trays per levelNumber of cells per levelCell shape and size, mmPress frame dimensions, mm

Used to shape, give size and texture to meat delicacies, ham, and other sausage products in the process of cooking. The frame is made so that you are able to put in the product into any tray on any level and install it into the frame when it is open. Every tray is equipped with a lid, on top of which another similar tray with a lid is installed, the process is repeated until the top pressing plate is reached. Using a winched «carjack» mechanism you are lowering the pressing plate on top of the levels of trays and pressing them. As a result, you get a product uniform in size, shape, and texture.

Material used – AiSi 304 stainless steel.

*the design may be altered to fit the customer’s order.

Tray option

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Press frame with removable trays Option 2